Sep 29, 2008

Congress - Trust Lost

Michael Scherer in his article, A Failure Of Leadership and posted on Time's blog Swampland, expresses what most of us know but haven't put into words yet. At least by the media.

It seems that the American people would rather face economic ruin than put their trust in today's Congress.

Vote our incumbants out.

Sep 24, 2008

E-Verify Must Be Renewed

E-mail your congressmen, find it here, now and tell them that you will never vote for them again if they do not authorize the E-Verify Bill for another five years. Not the temporary six month extension they are trying to slip through Congress that will effectively put the issue off till after the election.

E-Verify works and is one of the few programs our government does that actually protects American Jobs. Please act now. Numbers can change things, make yours count.

Democrats Preserve American Jobs With “President Obama’s” Coin

In keeping with their convention pledge to protect, promote and grow American jobs, the Democrats have contracted with Windsor, Elizabeth & Windsor, an UK company, to produce 300 limited edition commemorative silver coins for the Democratic Party to hand out to key members of the campaign to elect Obama.

By utilizing an English company to hand-craft these commemoratives, the Democrats are saving Americans the arduous task of producing these high quality keep-sakes. Since the average contribution to the Obama campaign is approximately $65, 2,300 hard working Americans have contributed to the Obama Campaign so that our Democratic Congressmen, Governors and party Dignitaries can have these valuable collectibles and admire there English craftsmanship.

After our Democratic Leadership has received these commemoratives, WEW plans to give the average American the opportunity to purchase the “Obama – The President” Commemoratives. These coins should gain considerably in value since this is the first time a Presidential Commemorative has been produced prior to the election.

This also gives the Republicans an opportunity to save the economy millions of barrels of oil by not having to drive to the polls to vote.

The picture of the commemorative being produced is from the Birmingham