Dec 12, 2008

Sony Closing Last TV Manufacturing Plant In U.S.

From NETWORKWORLD: “Sony has named its Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, plant as the second factory of a planned 5 or 6 that will be shut down as part of a global restructuring. The factory is Sony's last remaining TV manufacturing facility in the U.S. and the closure will see 560 people lose their jobs.”

The plant which manufactures 46” and 52” LCD TVs will stop production in February and the facility will be completely shuttered in March 2010 when Sony also closes their east-cost logistics operations. Sony will now manufacture these TVs in Baja, Mexico.

Westmoreland County web site post this in October: “The park, located in East Huntingdon and Hempfield Townships, further bolsters Westmoreland County’s major employment zone surrounding the Sony Technology Center.”

Here is an interesting comment on
MSN QnA Beta by toadhead: “There are no TV currently manufactured in the USA."

"The last one I new of were Phillips not a US company but they had a manufacturing plant in Missouri . As I understand it Wal-Mart said they would not sell there equipment, essentially unless they moved manufacturing to China so they would be cheaper and contain more lead, so they did. That was a few years ago all the other manufactures of TV have also moved over seas.”