Feb 1, 2007

Internet Frustrates Print Media

As new opportunities open some close, some in the print media have called it “economic restructuring”.

As previously reported on in
Newsroom Layoffs the last couple of years have been rough on newspapers and other print media. Newspapers and magazines have been scrambling to publish effective web sites and then the problem still exists on how to capture a portion of massive on-line advertising revenues.

As Joanne Morrison and Michele Gershberg reported on in their
Reuters article based on a report from the outplacement tracking firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, the print industry has lost over 27,000 jobs in the last two years. Job cuts are only on the upward rise as 2007 showed an 88% increase over 2006.The actual number of layoffs could be quite a bit larger as small and rural publishers don’t report their job loses.

In the first two weeks of the year over 2,000 additional cuts have been announced by Time Inc. and The New York Times.